ALTEC S.p.A. (Aerospace Logistics Technology Engineering Company) is a public-private company with its headquarters in Turin and is a centre of excellence for the provision of engineering and logistics services supporting the operation and utilization of the International Space Station and supporting the development and fulfilment of planetary exploration missions. Beginning in the last few months of 2015, the company was involved in a review process of the shareholding structure that ended an extraordinary general meeting on 29 January 2016. During this meeting, the current members (Thales Alenia Space Italia and the Italian Space Agency) sanctioned the final settlement of the shares approving the new social statute, also containing the company’s name change.
Corporate purpose/mission
ALTEC S.p.A. is a centre of excellence for the provision of engineering and logistics services supporting operations and the utilization of the International Space Station and supporting other infrastructures in favour of ASI, the ESA, other Space Agencies, Scientific communities, national and foreign industries and other private entities. It supports the development and fulfilment of planetary exploration missions as well as operating in commercial initiatives linked to the space economy, also using know-how and infrastructures attained.
The majority shareholder is Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A., a company holding 63.75% of shares, while the Italian Space Agency holds 36.25% of shares. The Italian Space Agency has appointed two members of the Board of Directors, among whom the President, and a member of the supervisory board.
Legal status: Joint-stock company with a majority of private shareholders.
Share capital: € 552,223.00
ASI shareholding: 36.25%
Board of Directors members appointed by ASI:
Fabio Massimo Grimaldi - President - Declaration
Mauro Piermaria - Member - Declaration
Graphic representation highlighting the links between ASI and the affiliated company
The ALTEC website
Summary table on the ASI Transparent Administration page