e-GEOS is a company that was formed in the year 2000 by the Italian Space Agency, which selected the private shareholder - the Telespazio S.p.A. company - following an international call for tenders, and with which ASI signed a Joint Venture Agreement (“JVA”) the purpose of which was to establish and regulate an associative relationship for the promotion and development of the domestic and international market of commercial applications and services in the Earth Observation sector.
Corporate purpose/mission
The Company’s main objective is to perform activities of development, production and commercialization of services, products and applications in the Earth Observation sector. On the basis of domestic and international Agreements and Conventions, e-GEOS has received recognition of its exclusive role as managing body of the ground segment and the activity linked to the utilization of the COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation, with the exception of the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence in a dual arrangement. These agreements foresee, among other things, e-Geos's management of the services relative to the ASI systems in Matera and Malindi dedicated to Earth Observation activities.
Legal status: Joint-stock company with a majority of private shareholders.
Share capital: € 5,000,000.00
ASI shareholding: 20%
Board of Directors members appointed by ASI:
Roberto Ibba - President
Augusto Cramarossa - Member
Summary table on the ASI Transparent Administration page